“DISCOVER The Little Known Secrets & Truth Behind The Mystery of Hypnosis & Making Powerful Generative Changes”
Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Homestudy Training
Kamran Sultan – Licensed Master Trainer of NLP & Hypnosis

Hypnosis has been known as one of the most effective methods for unleashing and using the powers of mind. It is proven method to you can use get rid of bad habits, and improve skills thus live a happier life.
Since 1997, Kamran Sultan has conducted this intensive hypnosis training hundreds of times.
This program teaches you …
- The Mindset you must develop to be successful in hypnosis
- Must have skills & attitude to be effective in hypnosis
- Business development strategies you need to earn as a practitioner of hypnosis
What is the structure of this program?
This is over 30 hours of (pre-recorded) online self paced program over 10 sessions.
It is a self paced program means you learn at your own pace so you can practice & master each step easily.
In each lesson you will learn and deepen your understanding of hypnosis with general applications.
What Will You Learn?
Session # 1:
- What hypnosis really is and isn’t
- Waking hypnosis
- 2 Primary requirements for hypnosis
- Nine misconceptions you need to know
- Three key behaviors for a successful hypnotist
- Nine beliefs of greatest hypnotists in the world
- 3 approaches to hypnosis
- 7 keys to success in hypnosis
Session # 2:
This session takes you deeper into understanding how life works and how unconscious mind operates. You will learn how to find who is suggestible
- Levels of human existence
- What is happening at deeper levels
- Functions of unconscious mind
- Reasons people seek hypnotherapy & what your job is
- Sources of experiences in life
- Testing suggestibility in your subject – overtly & covertly
- 3 Key beliefs you must hold for all of your clients
- Noticing & responding to signs of trance
Session # 3:
In this session, you will learn the key skills that let you enter your clients (or anyone else’s) mental world easily.
- How to make people like and trust you.
- Five steps to inducing a hypnotic trance
- Five types of suggestions
- How to slip hidden messages covertly
- What to say before you say, ‘Have you ever been …’
- Progressive relaxation induction
- Short relaxation induction
- Dave Elman style induction
- Inducing eye catalepsy
Session # 4
- In this session you will learn
- How & when to deepen trance
- How to awaken a hypnotized subject
- What are different levels of trance
- 15 trance phenomena that people largely misunderstand
- In this session you will learn
Session # 5:
- In this session you learn covert (conversational) hypnosis and techniques that you can use anytime in any area of your life. Topics covered include…
- 17 hypnotic language patterns of Milton H. Erickson
- How to conversationally pace & lead people in to following you
- Four powerful exercises to build conversational hypnosis skills
- In this session you learn covert (conversational) hypnosis and techniques that you can use anytime in any area of your life. Topics covered include…
Session # 6:
- This session continues to build your covert (conversational) hypnosis skills as you learn….
- Uses of Conscious & unconscious dissociations
- Powerful language patterns to create conscious & unconscious dissociation
- How to hypnotize anyone while asking some simple questions
- The 3 steps structure of a hypnosis session
- 16 information gathering questions
Session # 7:
- In this very important session, you learn caveats you must take to practice safely. You will also learn to create suggestions that cause change. Topics covered include…
- 16 Caveats & considerations you must take
- Handling abnormal reactions in clients
- 12 things to do to create effective post hypnotic suggestions
- Age regression – why you do not need to do it
- 2 types of age regressions
- 4 ways to do age regression
- 3 ways to do self hypnosis
Session # 8:
- In this session you will learn about habits and some applications of hypnosis.
- Topics include…
- How habits work – the 4 steps
- Six steps weight loss program
- Introducing your weight loss program to clients
- The intake form
- What to do in 4 sessions weight loss program
- Successful Smoking Cessation
- What to ask smokers
- Conducting smoking cessation sessions
Session # 9
In this session you will learn how to use hypnosis to develop any skill. You will also learn to understand emotions and help people overcome negative emotions e.g. anger, sadness, fears etc.
- New Behavior Generator
- What are emotions?
- Working with negative emotions?
- Purpose of negative emotions
- 3 periods of development
- 4 steps to work with negative emotions
Session # 10:
- In this session you will learn how to start & create a successful practice of hypnosis.
- Topic include…
- The 3 key elements of your business
- 6 kinds of services you can offer
- Identify your ideal clients
- 4 keys to successfully marketing your practice
- 3 stages clients go through
- What in person and online marketing activities to do
- How to identify your clients problems
- Know your offer
- Advertising
- Presenting hypnosis to groups
- 5 keys to great presentations
- What to cover in a group session
- Creating your podcasts
- Offering webinars
- Creating your tribe
- be the hypnotist you want to work with
“This course is over 30 hours long and is based on Kamran Sultan’s over 30 years of learning and 23 years of professional practice & covers what others consider as advanced level skills”
Why Join This Training?
You may have your own reasons, however people join this hypnosis training to benefit from over 23 years of professional experience and expertise of the trainer … because it empowers them to …
- Learn in the comfort of your home / office
- Learn under expert supervision
- Learn & experience hypnosis
- Help yourself and others in changing bad habits
- Help yourself and others in improving any skill
- Increases mental peace & emotional control
- Get freedom from stress and anxiety
- Improves your self confidence and self esteem
Our Hypnosis courses are approved from AMERICAN BOARD OF HYPNOSIS.
How will you learn?
This is a self paced online program.
When you sign up now you will get access to recordings of this amazing program. In each session (as described above) you will learn and deepen your understanding about hypnosis.
As you finish the program, you will receive a digital certificate from “The First Institute of Dynamic Learning, LLC (USA)”
What if you learn hypnosis?
You will be able to help yourself as well as many others to cope with challenges they may be facing.
This program does not qualify you to work with mentally or psychologically challenged people. You will be able to help people improve any skill and overcome bad habits.
Your Instructor:

Kamran Sultan conducts this program for you. Kamran is a Certified Instructor of Hypnosis by International Hypnosis Society and Professional Board of Hypnotherapy.
Kamran is also a Licensed Master Trainer of NLP™ whose training programs are recommended by Dr. Richard Bandler (Co-Creator of NLP™).
Originally from Karachi, Pakistan Kamran now lives in New Jersey, USA.
Kamran has received his own training in UK and USA from some of the best NLP™, Hypnosis & Silva UltraMind trainers including Dr. Richard Bandler (Creator of NLP™), Anthony Robbins, John LaValle, Joseph Riggio, Paul McKenna, Julie Silverthorn, Russell Potts, Jo Cooper, Peter Seal, Stephen Gilligan, Robert Dilts, Alex G. Silva and several others.
In addition to business studies from IBA, Karachi, Kamran has over 10 years of sales and marketing experience. Kamran has conducted various public and corporate seminars both locally & internationally.
As a performance enhancement coach, since 1997 each year Kamran as many people as he can individually and assists them to create what they want in their lives.
Get this home study course & be certified as a Practitioner of Hypnosis
This program’s recording is now available as a self paced online home study course.
Our hypnosis courses are approved by Professional Board of Hypnosis (PBH) and American Board of Hypnosis (ABH).
This course is designed to give you a solid foundation, extensive learning and practice to become proficient in hypnosis. At the completion of this program you will be a Certified as Practitioner of Hypnosis from The First Institute of Dynamic Learning LLC, (USA). Your certificate will carry ABH and PBH logos too.
Get Support:
This is a self paced program, but that does not mean you are on your own and won’t get any help. It means you will learn at your own pace and get support you need as you progress through this program.
We created a WhatsApp group, in which you can ask any questions, post your experiences and ask for exercise buddy as you develop your Hypnosis skills.
People who attended this program LIVE paid up to $397/-
But you can get this program for just US$ 257(including life time access to course videos and manual in pdf) and certification from “The First Institute of Dynamic Learning, LLC (USA)”.
Join This ONLINE HOME STUDY Course and Pay just US$257/-
BONUS Worth $97 FREE:
Join this course and get Hypnosis home study course (Worth $97) FREE.
How to sign up and pay your fees?
It’s very simple and easy as there are many ways.
Within Pakistan, You can pay in any branch of Meezan Bank Ltd., near you Or transfer using online banking Or use ATM to transfer. Check dollar rates on Google on the day you pay.
To ask for account details WhatsApp us on +92-0300-2198031, and we will send you account details. Do mention your name and course name you want to sign up in.
Your payment will be made to, "The First Institute of Dynamic Learning".
Once you've paid WhatsApp us on +92-0300-2198031 and we will enroll you manually and give you access to course material.