DISCOVER The Power Of Hypnosis In Making Positive Lasting Changes!
Kamran Sultan – Licensed Master Trainer of NLP & Hypnosis
Hypnosis has been known as one of the most effective methods to use the power of mind. Hynotherapy is a proven method to help people change habits, improve skills thus live a happier life.
This online course is designed for people who want to have a direct experience for themselves. This is not a certification training.
How do you learn ?
The course is structured in modular format. There are 3 modules. Each module has 2 classes. Each class is about 60 to 75 minutes long.
You meet with Kamran Sultan for 6 days over a week via video conferencing as he shares with you the inside information and teach you simple yet powerful ways to use your mind.
Language of program will be a mix of English and Urdu. Course manual is in English only.
Each class will be recorded and you will get access to recordings, just in case you miss for any reason. As preparation for this course you will get access to Hypnosis Online Video Course.
Here’s briefly of what each module will cover.
Module # 1: Day 1 & 2 of program
This is a foundation module. Here you you will learn various ways of understanding hypnosis. You will learn about your unconscious mind & it’s functions. You will also learn common misconceptions people have regarding hypnosis. You will learn what to do before you hypnotize anyone.
- What hypnosis really is
- What hypnosis is not
- Functions of Unconscious mind
- Truths & myths about hypnosis
- Beliefs & attitudes of great hypnotists
- How to test for level of suggestibility in your subject
Module # 2: Day 3 & 4 of program
This module is all about Hypnotizing people. You will learn several direct and indirect methods to produce hypnotic trance in a subject. You will learn direct as well as indirect ways to hypnotize people.
- Noticing Signs of Trance
- How to hypnotize people
- How to conduct a successful hypnosis session
- How & when to deepen trance
- How to awaken a hypnotized subject
Module # 3: Day 5 & 6 of program
This is a very important module covers how to do a hypnotherapy session. It includes important information about conducting a successful session PLUS creating powerful post hypnotic suggestions. You will also learn and discover about various hypnotic phenomena.
- How to formulate & deliver effective hypnotic suggestions
- How to create numbness for pain control
- How to avoid the dangerous mistakes untrained and poorly trained hypnotists make
- How to do Self hypnosis
“You Will Be Able To Hypnotize Others By The End Of This Course”
Why Join This Training?
You may have your own reasons, however people join our hypnosis training because it empowers them to …
- Learn & experience hypnosis
- Help yourself and others in changing bad habits
- Help yourself and others in improving any skill
- Increases mental peace & emotional control
- Get freedom from stress and anxiety
- Improves your self confidence and self esteem
In addition to above you learn with Kamran Sultan – Pakistan’s most experienced Master Trainer of NLP & Hypnosis who has conducted thousands of hypnotherapy sessions for people from all walks of life since 1997.
How will you learn?
You attend online classes which include lectures, demos and question and answer sessions. You will see each step demonstrated for you by your instructor before you are asked to practice. You will start hypnotizing people before program is finished.
What if you learn hypnosis?
You will be able to help yourself as well as many other people in your life such as friends, family, colleagues to cope with challenges they may be facing.
Your Instructor:
Kamran Sultan conducts this program for you. Kamran is a Certified Instructor of Hypnosis by International Hypnosis Society and Professional Board of Hypnotherapy.
Kamran is the only Master Trainer of NLP™in Pakistan whose training programs are recommended by Dr. Richard Bandler (Co-Creator of NLP™).
Kamran has received his own training in UK and USA from some of the best NLP™, Hypnosis & Silva UltraMind trainers including Dr.Richard Bandler (Creator of NLP™), Anthony Robbins, John LaValle, Joseph Riggio, Paul McKenna, Julie Silverthorn, Russell Potts, Jo Cooper, Peter Seal, Alex G. Silva and several others.Who is your trainer?
In addition to business studies from IBA, Kamran has over 10 years of sales and marketing experience. Kamran has conducted various public and corporate seminars both locally & internationally. As a performance enhancement coach, since 1997 each year Kamran as many people as he can individually and assists them to create what they want in their lives.
Program Details:
Dates: To be announced
Class time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Pakistan Time) all days
Investment: Rs.27,997 (including course material in pdf)
How to register and pay your fees?
It’s very simple and easy as there are many ways.
Within Pakistan, You can pay in any branch of Meezan Bank near you Or transfer using online banking Or use ATM to transfer.
When you go for payment, Call or sms us on 0300-2198031, and we will send you account details.
Your payment will be made to, “The First Institute of Dynamic Learning”.
Once you’ve paid SMS us your name to us on 0300-2198031.
We will send a confirmation as soon as we receive an alert from our bank of your payment.
For any other information Call 0300-2198031.
For ALL Other Countries, you can use Western Union Money Transfer or Any Such Services.