Imagine what will be possible for you when you know how to achieve your personal BEST … be more confident, more influential, more at peace!
experience INCREDIBLE power of NLP™at fraction of cost
NLP™ is described as the study of subjective experience. NLP™ attempts to explain how & why people do what they do and how to make quick and lasting improvements in human performance.
NLP™ is an educational tool that you can apply to be more effective & efficient in whatever you do.
As you may know a Bootcamp is a short and intensive training program that helps people become much better at doing something in a short time period.
NLP™ Bootcamp is an online 3 days (over 9 hours) intensive experience for you to & learn NLP™ under expert supervision of an internationally recognized Master Trainer of NLP™ – Kamran Sultan.
This is a chance for you to achieve your personal best and make an even better version of yourself.
Here’s what you learn in this program…
Session # 1 is about Neuro
- What is NLP™
- Principles & Beliefs of NLP™
- 5 Keys to success in NLP™
- The 4 levels of existence
- Four types of programs in mind
- Why you are as you are?
- What really shapes our reality
- A misunderstanding people live in
- What are life stories and why they matter?
- A powerful exercise that changes your life’s story
Session # 2 is about Linguistics
- How to connect deeply with people
- Using your senses effectively
- The hypnotic language patterns
- Verbal pacing & learning
- How to get to heart of any issue with precision communication
Session # 3 is about Programming
- The NLP™ process of change
- Controlling states through anchoring
- Five keys to anchoring
- The five step anchoring process
- Circle of excellence
- Dress up your attitude
- How to feel wonderful instantly
- How to change a bad feeling instantly
What will you get …
- Ability to achieve your personal best
- Skills to influence anyone – without matching or mirroring
- A deeper understanding of yourself
- Clarity in thinking & Communication
- Know how to banish obstacles
- Simple NLP™ techniques you can use everyday
- plus a lot more
“By the end of this program, you will find yourself having knowhow and skills that lead to better self control, clarity in thinking, higher energy & strength to move forward in life”
Why take NLP™ Bootcamp?
You know your reasons better, but here are seven reasons to join…
- You love NLP™.
- You are committed to learn and make the most of your life.
- You have some ideas about NLP™ and you want to experience NLP™ yourself.
- You took NLP™ training with trainer but you feel there is something missing.
- You are a coach, consultant or trainer and want to know what NLP™ has to offer.
- You are thinking about taking a full fledge NLP™ course with us but you are not sure, yet.
- It’s been a while since you took your NLP™ course and now you want to bring the spark back.
If you are committed to achieve your best, this program is for you!
Who is your trainer?
Kamran Sultan is an internationally recognized NLP™ expert and Licensed Master Trainer of NLP™, who is recommended by Dr. Richard Bandler (Co-founder Of NLP™).
Since 1997, Kamran has trained people from all walks of life in NLP™ & Hypnosis over 35000 hours (that’s like conducting a 10 hours class for over 9.5 years every single day) including Licensed NLP™ Practitioner certification course 89 times and Licensed NLP™ Master Practitioner training 37 times.
Kamran is a Strategic Intervention coach as well as a Firewalk Instructor, Certified Instructor of Hypnosis & Country Supervisor for Jose Silva’s UltraMind training in Pakistan.
Just $97 for over 9 hours of pure NLP™ experience
Why such a low fee?
Wondering why this program is offered at such a nominal investment. There are couple of reasons.
- More people need these skills.
- We want you to experience our ONLINE NLP™ training for 3 days. Some people may realize how powerful pure NLP™ is and decide to continue for our NLP™ certification courses.
This is not NLP™ certification program.
Buy recording of the boot camp now!
How to sign up?
You can pay via debit or credit card and get instant access to this programs recording.
If you do not have credit / debit card to pay online, you can transfer your payment online or via ATM to our Meezan Bank account. Or
ii) You can pay in any branch of Meezan Bank Ltd. near you. Please check $ rate in Pakistan on Google to calculate payment in PKR on the day you make your payment.
If you want to pay in Meezan Bank send a WhatsApp message on +92-300-2198031 and we will forward you account details.