Imagine for a moment…
You are driving your favorite car with your family.
Although you’ve had a bumpy ride but you’ve learned the route well enough that you are feeling comfortable on your way and guide others too.
Then the unknown & unexpected happens…
Your car’s steering wheel begins to wobble and car wheels begin to shake too.
You fearfully attempt to press the brake and slow down only to find brakes had failed.
Your worst nightmare seems to come true as you realize you’re driving into a ditch at uncontrollable speed.
Shouts and cries of your family make you even more nervous.
The harder you try to slow down and stop the more you find momentum picking up.
You think of your loved ones, you want to live, you want to survive, you simply can’t jump out of the car.
In short nothing you do seems to work.
I have been in that driving seat … what I discovered changed me and my life beyond words can describe.
This is Kamran Sultan and I am a Licensed Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP™) & hypnosis.
Since 1997, so far I have accumulated an estimated over 30,000 hours of teaching pure NLP™, hypnosis and other mind sciences related courses.
Until Nov.2013 my life was going great.
I was teaching courses after courses, helping people learn and grow and was earning a handsome income. I had become quite good in using old NLP & hypnosis skills.
But then some unexpected things happened that shattered my life.
I was devastated & broken and within few months, I was broke.
Whatever happened is not relevant to you in anyway and it’s too personal and was too painful so I won’t talk about it.
Since I respect your curiosity and I know that most people can understand numbers more easily than broken emotional states let me give you an idea of extent of my loss in the area of finances.
By Nov.2014 my total savings had gone down to Rs.262 only (that’s less than US$2.50)
I had already lost everything … I had no other choice but to rebuild my life from literally from scrap for myself and my family.
I could not afford to stop in excuses.
“This is an urgent call for action” I realized
I had to look at brand new ways of applying my tools.
That’s when things began to change for me and I discovered some really powerful applications of NLP™ & hypnosis…
Something that turned my life around.
I call it, “Life Redesign Process” or LRP
It’s radically different than any other stuff you may know about NLP™ and/or Hypnosis AND
It’s NOT law of attraction
It’s NOT magic but has magical results
It’s NOT something you learn in NLP training
To give you an idea, since I discovered the LRP process and applied it, my entire life has become better than EVER before – Alhamdulillah.
Just to give you an idea – and since people understand tangible things better – in less than six months of using LRP my financial position moved from Rs.262 to the level where I was able to change my old car and bought 1600 cc Automatic Toyota Corolla Gli on cash.
I realized if I sell my old car, it will fetch me about 3.5 to 4 lac rupees (US$3500 to 4000 approx) but Alhamdulillah, I had enough money that I didn’t feel like selling it so I gave it away free.
I traveled to USA and spent a fortune to attended Firewalk instructor training.
At the end of the year, I was able to take my children on a foreign trip – something I had wanted for years.
In short the year 2015 turned out to be the best year of my life and that’s only the financial side. And Alhamdulillah my life has been getting better ever since.
Got some idea?
Ever since I discovered the LRP and I am using it, I am experiencing results which in one word I describe as miraculous.
Honestly I thought I will never share this powerful, life changing stuff with anyone BUT…
I felt it will be violating one of my core values i.e. “sharing what I learn with others and making a positive difference in lives of others”
So I designed an amazing 3 days intensive training program
Re-designing your life from it’s core
What is Shape Your Destiny™ (SYD™) ?
As you may realize by now SYD™ is a program based on my personal experiences where you learn little known applications of NLP™ in re-designing your life from it’s core.
Let me explain what that means…
Perhaps you already know we exist at multiple levels.
- Conscious – The visible physical level
- Unconscious – The invisible meta physical (beyond physical) level where our Thoughts, Emotions and Spirit reside
Whatever you and I experience at conscious level e.g our health, financial position, relationships all stem from what is happening at the meta-physical level.
Although each of these areas Thoughts, Emotions & Spirit interlace with each other and affect each other most people try to solve problems while working only at one level.
The results they get never last very long. If you’ve attended a self improvement program before you know what I mean.
SYD™ is a pleasantly different experience, here you will discover …
- Why you think the way you think by going beyond thoughts
- Why you feel those emotions you feel & release negative emotions e.g. fears, hesitations, doubts and replace them with courage & certainty
This, metaphorically speaking, enables you to charge your batteries
In life from very early years we have been taught that if you work hard you will get what you want. i.e Hard/Smart Work = Success
But unfortunately when you look around, the world is full of stories of hard & smart workers who NEVER achieve anything significant.
That’s not only because they learned the wrong formula BUT because they have unconscious limitations they never overcame.
They may have…
- Thoughts like “I can’t do this” .. “This will never work”
- Negative Emotions like fears, hesitation etc.
- Negative Internal Identities e.g “Mirza Phoya” … “lazy” … “shy” etc.
In SYD™ you will not only learn the success formula that works you will make corrections at deeper levels all under my supervision and in a very fun way.
SYD™ provides you an opportunity to face & breakthrough your limitations like fears & hesitation that hold you back.
In this fast paced, 3 days long intense hands on training I will personally take you through the process of Re-designing Your Life and you learn how to…
- Utilize 13 core principles through which your mind operates
- Recognize your 3 levels of unconscious existence
- Overcome 6 deadly emotions that make you stuck
- Identify & replace self-limiting programming
- Reprogram your unconscious archetype for success
- Develop unshakable confidence
- Create the life you desire to live
- PLUS a lot more
This powerful breakthrough training program is for anyone who wants more out of their life.
You will understand your life and learn specific ways to create a future you desire.
You will understand how your old conditioning is creating your present reality and how to reprogram your unconscious mind to create a new life you desire.
During SYD™ you’ll be involved in lots of fun filled learning & personal breakthrough activities including board breaking, arrow snapping and the firewalk.
BOARD BREAKING is an activity in which you’ll be breaking a 1 inch thick wooden board. The objective is not to break a board or not to break it, BUT to give you a breakthrough experience of breaking through your perceived limitations and setting your potentials free.
ARROW SNAPPING is another personal breakthrough experience. In it you will snap a real arrow by placing the sharp end on the soft portion of your throat. The objective is to help you develop the ability to move forward in spite of hesitation.
The FIREWALK As a part of your personal breakthrough every participant will have a chance to walk barefoot on 1200 degrees hot burning coals. Firewalk is a powerful experience. It has different meaning to different people. Firewalk is done during last hour SYD™ training.
At the end of the program you will have a clear plan for your life, aligned motivation, zest for moving forward and ability to replicate your own success.
But this is not all.
I believe end of a program is the beginning of student teacher relationship and you’ll need ongoing support to keep getting results you desire. To achieve this, I will add you to DESTINY SHAPER’s Group on What’s aap and keep providing you necessary support, guidelines and tips for your continues development.
In short it’s an experience you MUST have.
Here’s what some participants have
Program Details:
Dates: Nov 17-19, 2017 (Friday-Sunday)
Time: On Nov 17 & 18 from 10 am to 8 pm (with breaks)
On Jan. 19 from 10 am to 10 pm (with breaks)
The First Institute of Dynamic Learning
Ground floor, 90-A, Block 2, PECHS, Karachi
Investment: Rs.37,997
Early registration discount:
– Register before Nov. 15 and Pay Rs. 32,997
– Repeaters pay Rs.4,500 only
Here’s the catch…
Perhaps you can realize, this powerful program is just too close to my heart. I am not willing to teach this stuff to everyone, yet.
So I will open this program to very limited number of people. If you are really keen to learn this, YOU MUST ACT NOW.
======================================================= STRICTLY 15 PLACES ONLY ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASES.
How to Register Now?
It’s very simple and easy as there are many ways.
In Karachi, you can visit our office during any working day between 3:30 p.m to 8:30 pm fill-up a registration form and pay your fees.
Please always Call 0300-2198031 or 021-34552392 before you visit our office.
You can transfer online or via ATM of your bank or visit any branch Meezan Bank Ltd., near you..
When you go for payment, Call or sms / What’s app us on 0300-2198031, and we will send you account details. Your payment will be made to, “The First Institute of Dynamic Learning”